I heard an artist say that the function of art is to hold up a mirror to society. At my house, that's what mirrors are for.
A serious artist knows that "mirror to society" business is codswallop. The function of art is to relentlessly and ruthlessly apply a personal style to form and material. The material doesn't matter. Just pick something you won't get sick of. The form should be treated with respect, like an employee who's been working there since before your parents were born. If that employee can't do the job anymore, give him a gold watch and give his desk to a new guy. Ideally, a young go-getter who doesn't have a family because he's kind of a douchebag.
You need to work on your style. If you've ever seen a heist movie where a bunch of lowlifes spend weeks smoking endless cigarettes and poring over maps and timetables while planning a bank robbery, that's how hard you need to work on your style.
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